Welcome to the home for Troop 253 in Mesa Arizona!
Our current troop fundraisers include popcorn, SaveAround Coupon Books, holiday wreaths, World's Finest Chocolate and Honey Baked Ham. Information for these can be found on our fundraising page.
Summer Camp
Summer camp at Camp Cherry Valley was a blast. Now it's time to start planning for next year. Do we return to Camp Big Horn for their 75th Anniversary or do we look elsewhere? Scouts will be giving input and we'll be making a decision soon.
Calendar Updates
The calendar is constantly being updated with merit badge clinics, outings, meetings as well as other items of interest. If you see any errors please let the webmaster know.
For all outings permission slips and a RSVP will be required usually two meetings prior to the event. This is subject to change based on scheduling and notice will be sent via email in these cases. For all upcoming events, multiple emails will be sent including a permission slip specific to that event. A new slip is required for each event. A blank generic permission slip can be found here.
For all outings permission slips and a RSVP will be required usually two meetings prior to the event. This is subject to change based on scheduling and notice will be sent via email in these cases. For all upcoming events, multiple emails will be sent including a permission slip specific to that event. A new slip is required for each event. A blank generic permission slip can be found here.
All events and available information are listed on the troop calendar. Check your email, the calendar or click available links for details. Any merit badge clinics will have additional information links.
New BSA Medical Form
Every scout and adult going on an outing must have an updated BSA medical form. For summer camp, all four pages must be completed (page C must be must be completed as part of a physical). Pages A, B1 & B2 can be filled out by the family. A copy of your medical insurance card (front and back) is also required. The new form can be found here.
Cyber Chip
Today’s youth are spending more time than ever using digital media for education, research, socializing, and fun. To help families and volunteers keep youth safe while online, the Boy Scouts of America introduces the Cyber Chip. In developing this exciting new tool, the BSA teamed up with content expert NetSmartz®, part of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children® and training expert for many law enforcement agencies.
You can access the resources to complete it for each grade range here: www.scouting.org/training/youth-protection/cyber-chip/
You can access the resources to complete it for each grade range here: www.scouting.org/training/youth-protection/cyber-chip/
Juggling Scouting and other activities
On many occasions, we've been asked if it's possible for youth to be able to fit scouting into their busy schedules with school, sports and other activities. The short answer is yes. The long answer is it is up to each individual youth and their parents how much they want to experience. We have now and in the past many youth who play in youth leagues, on club teams and on school teams while also being active with scouts. Others have expanded school schedules and some even have both sports and school along with scouting. It's all going to be dependent on what youth and parents are looking for in life experiences. This is a pretty good story about a group of friends who have experienced a lot together over the years. You can read it here.
ACT/SAT Test Preparation
Through a partnership with multiple donors Scouts have the opportunity to acquire ACT, SAT and LSAT test preparation software and books at a large discount. Visit this link for eKnowledge for more information and to purchase products.
New Eagle Requirements
Important note for all parents of a Scout preparing to work on his Eagle Project. There are new requirements that need to followed. Check the Eagle Resources page for more information.
Scouting License Plate Available

The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) has released some new special license plates including a Scouting plate. Finally. Click here for the news release. You can see the new plate and place your order through their site or at your local MVD office.
We are always looking for any pictures that you wish to submit for the site. Please see the pictures page for more information. If you need a password to access the pictures please use the contact form to request the password be sent to you or you can get it at one of the meetings.
Check out the links page for helpful links for all things Scouting including the Camporee Packing list. There you will find links to summer camps, important Scout related sites and links to current Eagle projects.
What happens to a Scout?
For every 100 boys who join Scouting, records indicate that:
RARELY will one be brought before the juvenile court system
4 will become Eagle Scouts 17 will become future Scout volunteers 18 will develop a hobby that will last through their adult life 8 will enter a vocation that was learned through the merit badge system |
12 will have their first contact with a church
1 will enter the clergy 5 will earn their church award 1 will use his Scouting skills to save his own life 1 will use his Scouting skills to save the life of another person |
Scouting's alumni record is equally impressive. A recent nation-wide survey of high schools revealed the following information:
85% of student council presidents were Scouts
89% of senior class presidents were Scouts 80% of junior class presidents were Scouts 75% of school publication editors were Scouts 71% of football captains were Scouts |
64% of Air Force Academy graduates
68% of West Point graduates 70% of Annapolis graduates 72% of Rhodes Scholars 85% of F.B.I. agents 26 of the first 29 astronauts |
(statistics from 2007)
(statistics from 2007)
Current Scouts and parents can find out what is happening and view pictures and more detailed information about events.
Youth and parents looking for a Troop will be able to see all that we have to offer to help them choose a unit in the area.
Troop 253 recruits Scouts primarily from the Mesa School District and follows that district's calendar. Any boy aged 11-17 is welcome to come by to any of our meetings to see about joining our Troop.
Youth and parents looking for a Troop will be able to see all that we have to offer to help them choose a unit in the area.
Troop 253 recruits Scouts primarily from the Mesa School District and follows that district's calendar. Any boy aged 11-17 is welcome to come by to any of our meetings to see about joining our Troop.
For more information take a look at our other pages. Meeting and outing information can be located on our calendar page. To contact us or for a map of where we meet, click here.
Troop 253 est April 1, 1998
Chartered Organization - Our Savior's Lutheran Church